“In a world where there are more questions than answers every leader will need to learn to dance to a different beat. In this insightful book, Jack Duggal has cracked the DNA of Strategy Execution. Ignore these insights at your own peril.”
Dr. Tony O’Driscoll
Global Head, DukeCE Labs, Duke Corporate Education, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
“A masterful journey from strategy to execution and beyond, revealing how to build and develop a strategy-execution platform. It is mandatory reading for anybody involved in the organization and management of projects, from executives to PMO leaders, and project, program and portfolio managers, particularly in today’s uncertain times, if you plan to lead a successful, agile, and sustainable organization in a digital era.”
Daniel Steeves
CIO OPS Canada
“With the customer at its core, the DNA of Strategy Execution is a fascinating examination of the strands that connect strategy and execution to lasting change. A must have read for strategy and project professionals looking for the agility to thrive on the edge of chaos.”
– Ellen Kelly
Associate Director for Strategy and Planning, Research Foundation for SUNY
“The DNA of Strategy Execution really encourages and inspires the reader to take a step back and look at current processes from a new perspective. It is highly applicable as a tool to create or transform project management and PMO practices in today’s world, particularly in product and software development.”
– Amanda Adams
Director of Project Management, MINDBODY Online inc.
“The DNA of Strategy Execution takes an in-depth look at today’s complex, challenging, and competitive business environments. We can no longer function the old way. This book inspires you to think differently and find a new approach in bringing corporate strategies and execution closer together.”
– Brenda Horton
President, PMI Westchester
Senior Project Manager, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
“A brilliant approach to organizational project management essential for an organization to execute on its business strategy in today’s dynamic environment. A must read for all leaders, managers, and executives in start-ups or traditional businesses.”
– Devesh Dayal
Global Head of Business Intelligence, Head of US Asset Management Technology
Deutsche Asset Management, Deutsche Bank
“The book is so well written and includes multiple angles and views on executing strategies in the world of today and the world of tomorrow. I love the DANCE concept, the Office of Simplicity and the very elegant and informative way the DNA is described in all the many chapters of the book. It’s a must-read book and a must-implement book for all of us who want to take the steps into the future with focus on strategy execution and understanding how to optimise the value of it.”
– Stig Villadsen
Strategy-Execution Advisor
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